Treasury for
simple treasuries
System made up of different modules, which cover the main processes in the treasury area, including communications with financial institutions..
Provisional Treasury Positions
Updated in the different time horizons depending on the degree of certainty of the operations:
Delivery note
Forecast Confirmed, Done.
Simulation tools, transfer automation and result measurement
It allows to quantify the result of treasury decisions to determine the contribution to the Company's result.
Reconciliation documents
Obtain reconciliation documents automatically on any date. Reconciliations up to date and without errors or mismatches.
Automatic retrieval of quotes
Automatic update of positions, amortization tables, IRR, Average life, etc.
At all times the financial positions and amortization tables updated in addition to controlling that the agreed conditions are adjusted to the amounts settled by the banking entities.
Export of movements
For the generation of accounting notes. Automatically account for amortizations, withdrawals, interests and accruals of financial operations, transfers, treasury operations, etc ...
Complete and up-to-date view of the long-term position
Full integration of budget management with the other components of the application, allowing effective monitoring of the degree of execution and constant updating of the cash position with budget estimates.
Initial Budgets, Reviewed and Done
Closing of versions and analysis of deviations. Anticipate corrective actions by analyzing deviations between what was initially budgeted and what was actually collected and paid in the treasury position.
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